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About me


I was born in Ljubljana, 1969. Before fully devoting to design and illustration I worked in architecture field and architecture visualisation for several years.

My main work now is illustrating books, in particular school books and littterature, as well as cooperating with various magazines. An important ares of my work are little miniatures, pictures in acrilics, unattainable fairy tale worlds.

Illustations are coloured fairy tales, full of imagination, which seems for me never ends. At the same time humour is often persent. Besides imagiantion the other characteristic of my work is the game played by light and shadow and rich colours.

When I was very young I was full of energy. I made things go wrong many times. I showerd all grandmas with a drops of “rain” from window, hahah. One day a worker in one big house couldn’t imagine how it’s possible that the rays of sun was so strong. He couldn’t work, all blind. Me and my cousin were happy, he all mad when he realized that we got a big mirror and sent the rays of the sun directly to his eyes….

I went to the chemistry school and there I had a companion called Sinko (little son). We made a lot of experiments, even dangereous, and sometimes we laugted and were scared too a lot because sometimes some experiments were realy “buuuum!” I remember one day when all our experiment finished at the top of the class, 4 meters up. Teacher just heared something, he was very old and kind person, he came to us and said: “Is it something wrong?” We said, no, no, no problem. Just one instrument felt down on the floor. Hahah. He went away and a little peaces of our lifework began to fall down…

And for that reason I think I enjoy, realy enjoy to experiment with all. Colour, picture, everything. Sometimes I was so tired because of too much of everything and then I said to myself: “Mojca, is it something wrong?” No, no, or yes, yes. And the new beginning is here. New project, something very interesting, unknown.